Career and alumni success

We're dedicated to helping you succeed. SCAD students and alumni have lifelong access to career support. Through one-on-one advising, professional development resources, workshops, and connections to career opportunities, our office for career and alumni success will prepare you to become the next industry leader.

employment rate

SCAD grads get hired! A 2023 study found that 99% of SCAD graduates were employed, pursuing further education, or both within 10 months of graduation.

Prepare for a bright future

The success of our graduates is a testament to the outstanding education and lifelong career support provided by SCAD. Our alumni influence user experience at Google, Netflix, design unique Gucci, and more.

See more amazing alumni stories

SCAD jewelry grad

Hsiang-Ting Yen

SCAD architecture grad

Nicolas Barrera Castañeda

SCAD illustration grad

Brandon Sadler

SCAD graphic design grad

India Hayes

Set yourself up for success with your career adviser

Your career adviser is your entry point to a wealth of resources and support. From exploring career paths within your major to securing internships, your career adviser is ready to help you with whatever you need to make it in the modern job market.

Ask your adviser about:

  • Writing résumés and cover letters
  • Creating a portfolio and website
  • Honing interview skills
  • Networking
  • Developing a personal brand
  • Negotiating offers

Schedule an appointment with your career adviser

Design your Career Action Plan

Your career adviser will also help you design your Career Action Plan. This is your roadmap to become career ready before graduation.

Find out how



Create your free online portfolio

As a SCAD student or alum, you have access to a free Behance account to build an amazing online portfolio to show off your talents to potential employers.

Sign in

Find a job or internship

The office for career and alumni success can help you find your next job or internship. Through the exclusive job portal, you also will have access to hundreds of opportunities from companies looking for SCAD talent.

Learn more about jobs and internships

Join the SCAD Alumni Society

SCAD graduates have immediate access to the SCAD Alumni Society. With tons of perks, including lifelong access to advising and a network of more than 50,000 SCAD alumni.

Learn more about the alumni society

Career and alumni success contact




Savannah and SCADnow
