Celebrate the 45th anniversary of SCAD with us!

SCAD is the world’s leading art and design university, thanks in part to investments by individuals who believe in the value of a SCAD education and who champion our mission to prepare talented students for professional careers. Your donation supports innovation, creativity, and sustainability.

We gratefully acknowledge the vital role generous donors have played in our success, and we hope you will consider joining our valued supporters in securing a bright future for the university, its programs and, most especially, its students and alumni.

Invest in the future of art and design

The Savannah College of Art and Design started in 1978 with a single defining idea: specialized higher education in art and design. What began as a handful of programs has grown to 100 degree programs in Atlanta and Savannah, Ga.; Lacoste, France; and globally through SCADnow online — making SCAD the most comprehensive art and design university in the world.

Support innovation, creativity, and sustainability

Your financial support can empower students to create the next big idea. Consider contributing to SCAD today. Whether through sponsorship or scholarship, you can change the face of art and design. Contact SCAD Giving at scadgiving@scad.edu for additional details.

Sponsor a SCAD event

SCAD hosts a marvelous slate of signature events and exhibitions for SCAD students and the community. Be a part of these extraordinary events as an individual or company sponsor.

Create a named scholarship

Named scholarships can be created with a $2,500 minimum pledge. One hundred percent of your contribution will be distributed the next academic year, providing tuition assistance to one or more SCAD student recipients. Endowed scholarships may be created with a minimum investment of $25,000, and flexible payment options are available. Contact the office of giving for details.

How to give

To make a gift or learn more about major donations and naming opportunities, call the giving department at 912.525.5980.


Giving newsletter

Produced by SCAD Giving, this quarterly newsletter provides news and updates to help you make the most of your contributions to SCAD students.



SCAD Giving
P.O. Box 3146
Savannah, Ga. 31402